Backend Example
Return html string from python function.
# src/plotly.py
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
from morph_lib.types import HtmlResponse
import morph
from morph import MorphGlobalContext
def plotly(context: MorphGlobalContext):
df = context.data["example_data"]
chart_type = context.vars["chartType"]
if chart_type == "line":
fig = px.line(df, x="data", y=["traffic", "orders"], color="source")
elif chart_type == "stacked":
fig = px.bar(df, x="data", y="traffic", color="source", barmode="stack")
elif chart_type == "area":
fig = px.area(df, x="data", y="traffic", color="source")
return HtmlResponse(fig.to_html())
def example_metrics(context: MorphGlobalContext):
df = context.data["example_data"]
# Get the latest date
latest_date = df["data"].max()
latest_df = df[df["data"] == latest_date]
# Get the best campaign in the latest month
best_campaign = latest_df.loc[latest_df["orders"].idxmax(), "source"]
# Get the total orders and traffic in the latest month
total_orders = latest_df["orders"].sum()
total_traffic = latest_df["traffic"].sum()
result_df = pd.DataFrame(
{"label": "Latest Date", "value": latest_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")},
{"label": "Best Campaign", "value": best_campaign},
{"label": "Total Orders", "value": f"{total_orders:,}"},
{"label": "Total Traffic", "value": f"{total_traffic:,}"},
return result_df
npx shadcn@latest add https://morph-componennts.vercel.app/r/embed.json